Overcoming loss, depression, and loneliness
"My name is Susannah Sneh and I am from Liberia. I came to the United States in 2000. My life changed when I suddenly lost my husband of 13 years on October 27, 2016 at age 66. Prior to this, I had retired 4 years before the loss of my husband, due to an accident.” Susannah reported that the effect on her was not only physical, but mental as well. “The life that I had and knew was no more, I was devastated, depressed and alone.” Susannah reported that, “I spent most of my time indoor mourning my husband; I withdrew from my family and would cried myself to sleep.” She stated that she did not go out and was at times reluctant to allow visitors into her home. She would often “look at the chair where her husband sat in and just cried.” Susannah stated that “one day, a lady” she knew came to sympathize with her. She told Susannah about the Elder’s Circle Program at Multicultural Community Family Services (MCFS) and encouraged her to attend the program. Susannah shared that “I was reluctant and did not go. After the burial of my husband, my nephew encouraged me to spend some time with him and his family.” Whilst there, a neighbour also told her about the program at MCFS. Reluctantly she decided to attend the program. Susannah stated that “this was the turning point in my life. I experienced togetherness with other seniors, through the activities that were provided by staff members. I suddenly experienced a huge change in my life, from being alone and depressed to being happier, confident and more engaging. I learned new skills like sewing, knitting, crocheting and engaging into therapeutic group activities. “ I was able to share my experiences of the loss of my husband, my accident and the life I had prior to his passing. Presently, Susannah is the ‘self-proclaimed’ President of the Elder’s Circle Group. I enjoy being the President and have recommended several members to be a part of the group.”
Ma Susannah
Country of Origin: Liberia
Program: Elders Circle

Discovering New Friendships and Finding a Place of Belonging
Mrs. Rose is originally from Jamaica and lives here with her husband. She has 6 children, all of whom are grown and living on their own. Mrs. Rose tells us that when she was in Jamaica, she had a lot of friends and would often do activities together. After she moved to the United States in August 4, 2011, with her husband and one of her children, she was working as an aide on a bus for children. Her life dramatically changed 2014 at age 59 when she had a TIA mini stroke. Four years after this, she had another stroke called a cerebrovascular accident. This affected her speech, mobility in her left arm and leg. A lot of time was spent in the hospital going through therapy. She could no longer work due to her sickness and has been home alone with no activity to do. Mrs. Rose joined the Elders Circle Group April 4, 2019 where she participate twice weekly. She finds her engagement and interaction with other elders and staff members meaningful. She no longer feels lonely and looks forward to attending the program every week. She especially, enjoys the shared laughter with her new found friends, sewing and dance exercise. In her own word “The group keeps me busy and it’s therapeutic for me. When I was in Jamaica during the summer. Although I was there with family and friends, I still missed the group. We are like family and each participant means so much more to me than I can say.”
Vinnette Rose
Country of Origin: Jamaica
Program: Elders Circle

Am so happy with their service!
“I Am Mireille. I live in Upper Darby for few year now. In 2015, I wanted to do my citizenship so I came across a friend that told me about Multi cultural in Upper Darby. It’s a non-profit organization that help people in diverse need. So she gave me there number and I called them, the receptionist was so friendly and very helpful to me. She connected me to the right person that will work me to apply for my citizenship and do all the paperwork requirements. They really helped me and I went for my interview and got my citizenship. I was so happy and satisfied with their service that after i got married in 2019 I decided to go back so they can help me again with my husband’s paperwork for his adjustment of status. They did ……… My husband’s paperwork are summited now and am waiting for the USCIS to make a decision on our case. Am so happy with their service.”
Country of Origin: Benin
Program: ESL. Literacy & Citizenship Support

Am so happy with their service!
I write this to show appreciation for Multicultural Community Family Services Home Health Care. The Agency was a godsend to my brother, Mr. William Tasca. They provided excellent services for him and went above and beyond. The Agency did so much for him and even helped me with some things I couldn’t do for him myself. Even after he left home and was admitted to the hospital, and was no longer their home health patient, they continued to follow up with him and regularly visited him in the hospital, when they were not required to do so. My brother had nothing but praise for Ms. Jackson, their Home Health Coordinator and Multicultural Community Home Health Care, for their help, their compassion, and their personal interaction.
They are the best, and I highly recommend them.
Thank you.
Donald Tasca, brother of William Tasca.
Building Healthy Communities